Thursday 14 June 2007

Wednesday Weigh-In

I neither gained nor lost weight last week. I was expecting something like that because I cheated quite a bit early in the week, although I stuck closely to the diet later in the week. Never mind - I've now started my second week of grapefruit diet and I hope I'll lose at least a couple of pounds this week.

I'm still doing Flylady, the system for getting your housework under control. I'm on day 3 now so I'm supposed to:
  • keep my sink shiny

  • get dressed first thing in the morning instead of slobbing around in a dressing gown

  • read the copious Flylady emails for a few minutes every day

Unless day 4's task is "get bloody moving and pick up all the crap" I can't see how this is going to result in a tidy house, so I've "cheated" (you're specifically told not to jump ahead and do more) and I've tidied all the upstairs of the house and the living room and I've done all the laundry. The hallway, kitchen and bathrooms are still waiting to be done. Maybe once I get it all tidy i can use the Flylady system for keeping it tidy, but it's going way too slow for my liking so far.

Much like my weight-loss.


reber said...

I did the same thing.....I read down the babysets until I saw a good place to jump in. Some of these things I was already doing. FlyLady does work so don't give up on it....just tweak it to fit your style.

Paragon said...

Ooh, you gave me a shock! I know this blog is public but I didn't think anyone actually visited or read it. I guess I had begun to think of it as a private journal.

Thanks for your encouragement anyway. I'm just amazed you didn't find it totally boring and stupid.