Wednesday 20 June 2007

Wednesday Weigh-In

I lost 2lbs on the Grapefruit diet. I'm glad to be losing weight again but I had thought that on crash diets like Grapefruit Diet you were supposed to lose much more than that in a week. I thought 1-2lbs a week was a moderate rate of weight-loss on normal long-term diets, more like Diet Delish which I have started again this week.

It's just so frustratingly slow.

However I am changing shape, which is pleasing. My UK size 16 jeans were far too baggy on me, so I bought two pairs of size 14 jeans from Marks and Spencer. M&S sizes are generous, and I probably wouldn't be able to fit a size 14 from most other shops, but I'm counting it as a goal reached anyway. I've dropped a clothes size. Hurrah!


Anonymous said...

I've just read your journal from start to finish, and I'd had an idea that the cabbage soup diet seemed to be a starvation diet, and that wasn't why you lost much weight those weeks, because your body was hanging onto it's fat. And then you go and loose weight on the grapefruit starvation diet. You do seem happier on the 'nice food' diet (I can't remember what it was called). You don't seem to like the 'no pain-no gain' method when it doesn't pay off, but you're doing amazingly well sticking to it. I've had a look at Flylady too, and you've got me wanting to do it. Have you thought of doing an updated body image thing again, now you've changed shape? And I think you need to work weekly pampering into your diet - like a long bath with candles etc.

Paragon said...

Hi Rose, thanks for leaving a comment.

I haven't felt starved on any of the diets. Not really ravenously hungry. But when the food choices are restricted I sometimes get cravings for particular kinds of food that are forbidden.

I think I need to exercise more but it's hard to fit it in. I just got a bicycle though so I'm hoping to get exercise cycling places instead of driving.

You're right, I should do another body-image thing. And I do treat myself to new clothes, jewellry, CDs and toiletries etc. I just haven't blogged about it. I never thought of it as being part of the diet.

You should try Flylady. Now I've got to the part where you declutter for 15 minutes every day I can see it starting to have an effect. My sink looks amazing!

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